The Apsyrator (sculpture for sale, see details below)

for Sale

These kinetic sculptures are currently in stock and can be viewed at my workshop in Montreux’s old town, where I would be delighted to show them to you.


Width: 80 cm
Depth: 40 cm


Sculpture va-et-vientThe upper part moves from right to left on two rails
Height: 210 cm
Width: 250 cm
Depth: 60cm 

"Ferrarissima V"

Various objects related to the prancing horse brand spin as if on a racetrack.

Height: 130 cm
Width: 70 cm
Depth: 53 cm

"HD Revival"

Entirely made from Harley Davidson parts salvaged from a dealership’s scrap bin.

Height: 130 cm

"The Apsyrateur"

This sculpture played the role of the 11th actor in a play performed in December 2008 at the Odéon Theatre in Villeneuve.
It "sucks out" the human spirit to export it to another planet, with light effects surrounding glass vials in which a mysterious liquid bubbles.

Height: 140 cm

"The Nail"

An old coppersmith's anvil set in a wooden base.

Height: 225 cm
Width: 120 cm
Depth: 80 cm



Prochaine exposition à Montreux.