
"Cosmos Archaeology"

Cosmos Archaeology

Interview with Pascal Bettex during the inauguration of the "Cosmos Archaeology" exhibition at the Astronomy Museum in Shanghai:

The Lighthouse of Hope
Kinetic sculpture installed at the Romand Rehabilitation Clinic in Sion, inaugurated on 22 March 2019.
Thanks to Pierre Massard, Silke Pan, Nicole Niquille, Yves Vionnet, Baptiste Delalay, Clément di Chirico, Jérôme Bagnoud, Handiconcept, STIMO, CHUV-EPFL, and all the donors who made this major achievement possible...

And Yet It Moves!!!
Kinetic sculptures equipped with non-circular gears... (March 2016 - 2.5 min.)

Chablais Scope – Making Of
Here is a wonderful video showcasing the construction of the Chablais Scope. (October 2014 - 7 min.)

The MAD Museum
A promotional video from the MAD Museum in Stratford-upon-Avon (UK), where three of Pascal Bettex’s creations are exhibited. (April 2014 - 3 min.)

The Magic of Movement
A promotional video by BettexMatic filmed in 2010 at the Vuadens workshop, showing the artist at work creating his pieces. (January 2011 - 7 min.)


Prochaine exposition à Montreux.